Psychological & Psychoeducational Assessment

A psychological or psychoeducational assessment is the process of discovery that uses a variety of strategies to uncover answers to questions you may have about yourself, your child, or your teen. Assessments often include testing with you/your child and gathering information from family members and teachers. 

When should I ask for a psychological or psychoeducational assessment for myself or my child?

If you have ever wondered about diagnoses like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disorders (trouble reading, writing, or doing math), and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a psychological or psychoeducational assessment is what you’re looking for.  If symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, difficulty at school, tough transitions, and tantrums are getting in the way, it might be time for an evaluation with a professional.

Common questions that may prompt an assessment include:

Why is my child having trouble with reading?

  • Does my child have ADHD? 
  • Is my teen on the Autism Spectrum?
  • How can I best help my child? 
  • Why is my preschooler worried so much of the time?

An assessment can also be useful for understanding the impact of trauma. As a trauma-informed treatment provider, we are  well-equipped to consider how traumatic events may impact behavior learning, emotional regulation, and development.  

Why would I want to receive a diagnosis?

Let’s be clear – a diagnosis does not immediately solve the problem(s) you’re wondering about. However, an in-depth psychological or psychoeducational assessment doesn’t just provide a diagnostic label. The process helps to determine which treatments (therapy, medication, Special Education, 504 accommodations, etc.) are likely to be the most helpful. Sometimes, a diagnosis is required by your medical doctor or your school in order to get access to these research-based treatments. 

Are assessment services available in English and Spanish?

Psychological assessment services are available in Spanish for bilingual or Spanish-speaking families. 

What is the process for an assessment?

1. Email

Let us know who the assessment is for, and we will help to check with your insurance on coverage or get you an estimate of the total out-of-pocket cost. 

2. Complete intake paperwork.

Provide lots of details and send over any additional information (e.g., previous assessments/diagnoses). 

3. Meet for a virtual intake interview.

For kids and teens, this is a parent-only intake interview (with time for a brief meet-and-greet). For adults, this is a one-on-one interview. In either case, we will discuss any questions you might have about diagnoses, testing, and the process of psychological assessment. This interview usually lasts about an hour. 

4. Complete questionnaires.

Every assessment includes standardized symptom questionnaires for you (and often parents & teachers) that help to compare symptoms to same-age peers. This helps your evaluating psychologist to adjust the list of tests for the in-person testing day.

5. Meet for in-person testing day.

Meet with your evaluating psychologist at our assessment office (7600 Chevy Chase Drive, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78752) for 4-6 hours on a Thursday or Friday to complete a kid/teen only interview and comprehensive psychological testing. For testing day, parents/guardians are expected to be present during the entire day and will have access to work space, wifi, coffee, tea, and a food court. Testing includes lots of breaks and flexibility for clients of all ages!

6. Psychologist writes the assessment report.

Usually it takes about 4 weeks to gather and integrate data from intake paperwork, clinical interviews, questionnaires, and testing.  At the end of this process, you will have a 20-30 page report that answers your questions, provides lots of new information, and includes referrals and resources to help with next steps. You’ll also get a summary sheet that includes strengths, weaknesses, diagnosis/es, and recommendations. 

7. Meet for virtual feedback session.

During this virtual session, your evaluating psychologist will discuss the data that answer your initial assessment questions. Clients and their parents/guardians are invited to ask lots of questions and make plans to follow up on the recommendations. This session usually lasts about an hour. 

Please email for more information about assessment – we look forward to hearing from you!